Tuesday’s Memes – Cassette Tapes

Last week we did an homage to Vinyl and Record collecting.  This week we take on Cassette Tapes and all the wonderfulness they were…not!  So sit back and take a jog down memory lane…or a slow walk…either way works.  And remember to bring a pencil (you will get that one in a minute)…

Before the Ipod, we had this…



Oh, how times have changed!!!


Really…Actually, not a bad idea…


Who didn’t do this back in the day?  Guilty!!


Probably true…


I still fall asleep to music…I just use Alexa now to play me music…


I needed one cat one…


Do you still have the pencil I asked you to bring?  Here is why…



I hope you enjoyed the throwback to an age that needn’t return!!

11 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Memes – Cassette Tapes

  1. That 95/05/15 thing made me laugh to the point of getting funny looks in the office, ta.

    Worst format for music ever, can’t believe there is a fledgling cassette revival in progress. ‘All tapes left in a car for more than about a fortnight metamorphose into Best of Queen albums.’

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Saw that Adventures in Odyssey album meme. Had so much nostalgia that it physically hurt. So. True. Also, still have that album.


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