My Sunday Song – “Wide Awake And Dead” by Danger Danger

For My Sunday Song #418, we are talking about Danger Danger’s song “Wide Awake And Dead” off the band’s third album ‘Dawn’ from 1995. Technically, their fourth recorded, but third release but that is a story for another time. The song was written by Paul Laine and Bruno Ravel. Although not a single, the song was one that connected to me for its dark tone and subject matter.

The song is about some major daddy issues. The child is in pain but the dad doesn’t seem to ever listen to him and care. It was as if no father was ever there. The darkness has filled the boy and he is ready to kill his father. The emptiness he feels has left him emotionless. He is wide awake, but dead inside. It is a horrible situation. Read the lyrics below and see how dark this thing gets. No child should ever feel that way.

The music matches the lyrics. This is 1995, the music scene had taken a darker turn from the party time of the 80’s and the earlier Danger Danger albums. To fit with the times, we get this brilliant song. The more somber tones, the heavier beats, the rich bass all giving to the dark soulless feelings of this little child. The guitar solo screams out with pain. If that isn’t enough, the guitar riff from Bruno that is thrown in every now again after the chorus is so cool. Paul’s vocals show the hurt and despair the child is feeling. There is a spoken part from Paul that is hidden behind the instrumental break that you have to listen close. It gives you more insight to the song. For such a depressing song, you can’t helped but be mesmerized by its beauty at the same time. One of the coolest songs on the album.

Give the song a listen and let me know what you think. Is as tormenting as it feels. To think kids out there feel that way and are treated that way is a crime to humanity. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful and Happy Sunday. Remember to treat everyone with love.

“Wide Awake And Dead”

Bad luck seems to follow me, cruel words choke the air I breathe
Can’t stand to even look at me, father listen to me
Closed your ears to the things I say, closed your eyes to the child in pain
One day I’m gonna blow you away, mother listen to me

Show the scars that you cannot see
Can’t hold the pain locked inside of me

Closed my eyes, buried me alive, wide awake and dead
Burned my soul from the life I’ll never know
I’m wide awake and dead

Crucify me for the words I speak
Close your eyes and pray your soul to keep
Don’t know how you can even sleep
When the sky is falling down
Let your conscience is darkened wing
Forgotten child and it’s suffering
Deceit is quit, but the truth can sing
Mother listen to me

Sow the things that you can’t reap
Can’t hide the things you did to me

Written by Paul Laine & Bruno Ravel

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