You Picked It! – Candlebox – ‘Wolves’ – Album Review

Alright…You Picked It! And this one was really, really close. There were three going for the gold and one edge them out slightly. It was much closer than last months blow away with that horrendous Captain Beefheart album you guys tortured me with. Thankfully you went easy on me this time. The winder is Candlebox’s ‘Wolves’ which is a new album and as a result, one I’ve never heard. I am glad to have something less challenging this time around as I am still in therapy from the last album. Good news is the crying has stopped.

  1. Candlebox – ‘Wolves’ – 7 votes
  2. MC5 – ‘Kick Out the Jams’ – 5 votes
  3. Guns ‘N Roses – ‘Chinese Democracy’ – 5 votes
  4. Issac Hayes – ‘Hot Buttered Soul’ – 4 votes
  5. Mothers Finest ‘ Another Mother Further’ – 1 Vote

Thanks to all for participating. The November choices will be up on Saturday!


There are not too many 90’s bands that are still around putting out decent music, but thankfully for us, Candlebox still is. Their last release, 2016’s ‘Disappearing in Airports’, was absolutely stellar. Go check out that review. So I had high hopes for this one. The only original member still in the band is lead singer, Kevin Martin, and since his voice is what I always loved about the band, I am okay with that fact. He still can sing and such a good tone on his vocals.

The band’s old sound was grunge and they were pretty good at it. It was much heavier than we have been given lately and that is okay. The band is older, more mature and have evolved. The sound now is more pop rock with some heavy garage elements at times but more on a softer side at other times and all in a good way. Nothing bad about that change. I applaud that change as grunge is kinda depressing.

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