Scooby-Doo and KISS – Rock and Roll Mystery – Movie Review

For some reason, my youngest daughter has been fascinated by the band KISS.  I am sure it stems from all the KISS albums and videos I have. When she was younger, we would joke that her tongue was like Gene Simmons, so the Demon became the character she liked best.

My youngest also loves Scooby-Doo.  So when KISS and Scooby-Doo joined forces for a video, naturally she had to have it.  And being the great father and Kisss fan that I am, I made sure she had it.

Instead of me trying to be creative and explain this hard to explain movie, I will let the editors of do it for me…

Get ready to Rock! Scooby-Doo and the Mystery Inc. Gang team up with the one and only KISS in this all-new, out-of-this-world adventure! We join the Gang at Kiss World – the all-things-Kiss theme park, as they investigate a series of strange hauntings. With help from Kiss, they discover that the Crimson Witch has returned to summon The Destroyer from the alternate dimension of Kissteria! The evil duos ghastly plan, to destroy the earth! Can the Gang’s cunning and Kiss’s power of rock save the day?! Tune in to this Rock and Roll Mystery for some thunderous, heavy FUN!

There is one thing I noticed in this movie, if you are NOT a KISS fan, you will not get all the little KISS references within the movie and therefore, not enjoy it as much.  And let me tell you, there are a ton of KISS references.

First, you have all the names of the female characters in the movie.  Let me give you some examples…

  • Delilah Domino – Head of security
  • Shandi Strutter = the band’s techinal director
  • Shandi’s assistants – Beth and Christine
  • ChiKara – a psychic at the park

The Crimson Witch is the villain ins the movies and her story is nothing but KISS references.  The band are from an alternate dimension called Kissteria.  The Witch’s plan is to summon “The Destroyer” using the Rock of Kissteria, which is actually a “Black Diamond” and disguised as a gift from the city of Detroit.  The city called it the “Detroit Rock”.  When Kiss and the Scooby Gang go to this other dimension, the meet “The Elder” to help figure out how to stop her.  You get the idea.

And all the Kiss members are in the movie and do their own voices which means it has Gene, Paul, Tommy and Eric each playing themselves.  There is also an appearance by Doc McGhee who plays the bands manager, Chip McGhoo, and he has the best part.  Every time someone mentions they need something, like say a flashlight, Chip shows up with a Kiss Flashlight and then the screen goes to an advertisement of said flashlight showing that it is for sale at the incredibly low price of $49.95 (or something like that).  This happens quite a lot.

What are the KISS Songs played during the movie?  I am glad you asked. Here are a few:

  • “Rock & Roll All Nite” plays during the opening title credit and the video pays homage to several album covers including ‘Rock & Roll Over’, ‘Love Gun’ and other albums.
  • “Love Gun” plays for their costume change
  • “Shout It Loud”
  • “I Was Made For Lovin’ You”
  • “Detroit Rock City” plays at the end during the Kiss Concert
  • “Modern Day Delilah” plays during the end credits
  • There were several instrumental pieces throughout and you can figure out those songs for yourself
  • “Don’t Touch the Ascot” – performed by the Ascot Five which has a non-Kiss member singing but Kiss is playing the music from what I gather.

There were numerous more KISS references including Paul’s love for painting and Paul even says let’s put the X in X-Ray when they need to take an X Ray of something.  Lastly, there is a shout out to past members such as Vinnie Vincent and Eric Carr…see if you can find them if you watch it.

As a KISS fan and as a father, it was fun to watch the movie with my daughter.  I tried to explain the KISS references, but half the time she didn’t care.  Will this movie win any kind of an award, oh hell no, but that is not the point.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that Scooby and the gang are in the movie too and they do a wonderful job helping KISS solve the mystery.  I don’t want to spoil everything, even though I do spoil a lot of it!!

The movie is only around 80 minutes so it doesn’t take away much of your day if you decide to watch.  If you do watch it, I hope you enjoy it!  I found it enjoyable for at least one viewing.  My daughter, however, has watched it several times.


13 thoughts on “Scooby-Doo and KISS – Rock and Roll Mystery – Movie Review

  1. Geez I think back in 77 I would have dug this as a 10 year old. As a 49 year old I think I would have to get baked to actually watch this!
    Than again John if i had young daughters I would watch it as well….
    Cool review….

    Liked by 2 people

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