RSO (Richie Sambora & Orianthi) – Making History E.P. – Album Review

Richie Sambora and Orianthi are back with their second E.P. this year.  From what I understand, they have written 70 songs together and recorded 25.  They plan on releasing them as E.P.’s so that means with 2 down (5 songs each), we have 3 more to look forward to in 2018? I hope that is the case as I am up for that. Before we get to those, we have to review the 2nd E.P., ‘Making History’.

The first E.P. ‘Rise’ was not what I expected from these two at all.  With both being exceptional guitar players, I was looking for a guitar based album and they did not come close to that on the first one.  Thank God they redeemed themselves with this album.  They brought the guitars on ‘Making History’.

With the opening track and title track “Making History” you know that they are doing what we wanted them to do.  They are rocking out.  The guitars on this one are exceptional with an almost Def Leppardesque sound from around the “Euphoria” era at times.  The guitar solo is the best thing they have done so far and it is all what I asked for so why should I complain.  Of course I have one negative on the song.  The vocals aren’t the best.  I feel the production is lacking (Bob Rock is the producer which is surprising).  Richie and Orianthi don’t sound like they are singing together and I don’t know if it is the effects they put in her vocals, but something is missing with the chemistry and the mix with the two of them singing together.

Now that isn’t my complaint for any other song on the album.  The next song “We Are Magic” is my favorite song the two of them have done together.  It is a magical little song (pun intended).  The two sound great together and the song does lean more pop, but this one works.  It is catchy and actually a pretty song. (Can a song be pretty??)  I also love that Richie pulls out the Talk Box for a little bit to open the song.

We then go into an acoustic ballad called “Walk With Me”.  They share the vocals again for the last time as they will both have their own featured song coming up.  The only complaint is the hillbilly foot stomping and clapping that comes into the middle of the song.  Cut that out and I would have really liked this song a lot more.  Again though, there are guitars throughout and it makes it so much better.

The fourth song features Orianthi on vocals and is called “Together on the Outside”.  The only weird part of this song is the opening line that maybe Richie does in some Alice Cooper voice that makes absolutely zero sense.  If you pull that out, the song is exceptional.  It is definitely filled with everything you expect from an Orianthi song and some damn fine guitar work with that blazing solo.

And the last song on the E.P. is “I Don’t Have To Need You Now” and features Richie on vocals, finally.  I guess they saved the best for last.  I am a bigger Richie fan than Orianthi (although she is awesome) so I would like more Richie on the albums.  This gives me just that.  It is classic Richie.  He sounds amazing and you remember what is missing in Bon Jovi today…those awesome backing vocals of Richie.  This is a great rocker and in the same vein as his Bon Jovi work and some of his solo pieces.  It is great to add to my Richie collection.

3.5 out of 5 Stars.  This is a much better effort than the first one.  They deliver what I think people want to hear and that is a more rock sound with a lot of guitar.  I think there are a couple issues with the vocals on one song and just choices on some of the songs that I mentioned which is why I won’t rate it higher.  If you can overlook that, it is a really great set of songs.  This one makes me excited of what they still have left to come.  Can’t wait to get a hold of those.




26 thoughts on “RSO (Richie Sambora & Orianthi) – Making History E.P. – Album Review

    1. I like when a band trims the fat and releases an EP, rather than a full album with a bunch of filler.

      I’m not sure about a bunch of EP’s right after each other. Especially since I buy physical material, and it will be more cash to buy 3 EP’s rather than 1 full album.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I understand on the cash outlay. That would be the bad part. Apparently, Richie feels fans don’t have any attention span anymore and that EPs make more sense nowadays. I can’t say i totally disagree with that.


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