June 2021 Purchases – Vinyl & CDs

We are now half way through the year, man, that is so hard to believe. Before we know it, the year will be over 2022 will be upon us, but for that, let us see what June had in store for 2 Loud 2 Old Music. The month started off with my youngest daughter and I doing some thrift store shopping. I didn’t expect to be buying any music there, but lo and behold, they actually had some CDs for $1 a piece so I grabbed a few (or more). I got Seal, Jonny Lang, Eric Clapton and David Lanz…

I also picked up a couple of Cheap Trick albums. I had a gift card to Amazon from MyPoints.com and so I picked up Special One on CD and then their latest album finally arrived a month after it was released…it must have been lost In Another World for a little while…

Then came Friday New Release Day on June 11th and the floodgates opened. I bought Mammoth WVH’s debut album and wow!!!

Then I bought Kiss’ new album ‘Off the Soundboard: Tokyo 2001’ which is a 3 LP set that looks like a bootleg…this will be the final review in the Kiss Review Series…

And if that wasn’t enough, Def Leppard released their 3rd Volume of ‘The Collection’ which has their albums ‘X’, ‘Yeah!’ and ‘Songs in the Sparkle Lounge’ plus 3 other bonus albums of B-Sides, Covers and Live Cover Songs…

And don’t worry, there is more. The 12th was Record Store Day and I wasn’t able to attend because I was off for vacation and couldn’t go. Thanks to Lunchbox Records, I was able to go online that night and order anything they still had available and picked up another Def Leppard album as well as a 12″ Single from AC/DC for “Through The Mist of Time”…

Now vacation didn’t stop me from visiting any shops that sell records as I like to do when I visit a city for vacation. This time it was Amelia Island in Florida and there were two antique stores I hit and the first wasn’t that fruitful as all I picked up was Neal Schon’s debut solo album on vinyl and a 7″ Single from Survivor…

Then I hit a place called House of Collectibles and I struck out on albums, but the collection of 80’s 7″ Singles was impressive. There were 100’s to go through and apparently the guy has over 5,000 but hasn’t priced them all yet. I grabbed everything he had for a handful of artists I bought 21 7″ Singles!! The place was awesome and if had had about 4 hours to spare, I would have dug deep. He had CDs, Vinyl, DVDs, Books, Comic Books and so much pop culture stuff it was insane. If you are ever in the area, hit that place up!!! First up…Bon Jovi…

The Van Halen…Roth Era…

Van Hagar…Sammy era…

Some Leppard…yes I have these in the Singles Box Set, but I want the original issues as well…which I had at one time but that is another story…

Some Billy Idol and I will review these soon to add to the Billy Idol Series…

Then a couple Cheap Trick which we will get to in the Cheap Trick series coming soon…

And lastly some Aerosmith which will get discussed during that series…also coming soon…

And that was it. I had two other things purchased but they won’t arrive until some time this week so they didn’t make this month’s post, however, they will lead off the next post for July. Thanks for hanging around and I hope you enjoyed…here is the full recap of them all…

20 thoughts on “June 2021 Purchases – Vinyl & CDs

  1. So AC/DC made a picture disc for “Through the Mists of Time” using a shot from the “Realize” video? Man, they really need to release a video for that song already. I know who Seal is because of the Freddie Mercury Tribute Concert, but my first “real” introduction to him was American Idol (shocker) as the contestants of season two sang the heck out of “Kiss From a Rose” during Hollywood Week. Also, it’s fascinating seeing someone own singles for songs that I’ve only seen online because it means they actually exist lol!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I buy them when I can. I mostly look for those with the picture sleeves and not the label only sleeves as I the picture ones are more interesting. However, if it is a Kiss single, I will buy it no matter the sleeve.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Man when was the last time you had a post that said how many cd’s, albums, singles, etc. you currently own and do you have a dedicated room to all of your music? Do you end up selling some of your stuff as well? I’m trying to imagine the logistics in my head of where you’re storing everything you purchase!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I don’t think I’ve done one on how many I own. I do have an office with a nice Ikea bookshelf that is 5×5 with cubes to hold the vinyl and it is around 1/2 full of vinyl and then I have a little shelving unit that holds CDs, but it is full…I need more shelves. The office still has space thankfully.

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  3. BJ and Billy Idol, now you’re talking!!
    Have my eyes on that Mammoth WVH cd. Haven’t gotten it yet.
    My vacation just started…
    I’ll try and catch up on my back log and maybe on some of your review series. Promised the kids that we’ll watch all Harry Potter movies starting tomorrow….
    Listening to Dwight at the moment. Started reading Nick Menza”s book. Have u read it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Enjoy the vacation and Harry Potter with the kids that sounds fun. My younger daughter and I are going through the Marvel Movies. We aren’t really doing in order, but she is enjoying them nonetheless. I think we have watched at least 10 so far.
      And I haven’t read Menza’s book. Let us know how it is. I am still reading Templeman’s book. Probably 2/3’s through that one.


  4. Funny thing, we watched the first Harry Potter today and I fell asleep..
    .Menza’s book is so thin, he sadly didn’t make it to it’s release. So far the book is okey. Lots of new info.
    Don’t go giving my kids any more ideas…my oldest has been saying we should watch those Marvel movies together. Is that like 20 movies or so?

    Liked by 1 person

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