New York City Record Stores?

I have a question for everyone out there that shops for vinyl…I am going to be in New York City in a couple weeks so what are a couple good record stores for me to visit?  There has to be some special place you like to go.

I am looking for old vinyl, bootlegs, anything that is Rock from the 70’s, 80’s and even 90’s.  Maybe even some Punk would be good.  I would even like some old 45’s and some used CDs would also be nice.  I am looking for a cool place to get lost in for an hour or so, I think that is all the time my family will allow me to browse around.

I can look stuff up and see what is out there, but what I want are places people have actually been to or heard about.  Any advice would be greatly appreciated, just leave me a comment.  Thanks in advance.

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