Kiss – World Domination 2003-2004 Tour – Tour Book

In yet another Kiss post, we are back on the topic of Tour Books. I had 3 Tour Books from Kiss and I have done posts on 2 of those and I really enjoyed going back through the book and looking at all the pictures.  The third one is from the End of the Road Tour and I will get to that one eventually.  In the meantime, I said to myself, “you know John, we should start collecting Tour Books”.  And I answered myself back with “John, that is a brilliant idea.  Not only are you handsome, but you are pretty damn smart too!”  I couldn’t agree with myself more.

That got weird fast!!

Back on topic.  I actually went on to eBay and noticed there are tons of them for sale, but dang! they are expensive.  Maybe this wasn’t a good idea.  Then I saw one that was only $5 and the pictures looked pretty great actually.  I added it to the Watch list and about 4 hours before it was to end, I figured let me place a bid.  So I did and I was not wanting to go over $10 so that was what I put in as the max bid. I went to bed and forgot about, but morning came and dang it, I got it.  My Tour Book collecting had officially begun.

The one I bought was from the World Domination Tour in 2003.  This was Kiss with Aerosmith and I actually missed this tour as I believe they came to town shortly after the birth of my first daughter so there was no way I was getting out to see a show.  So I was excited to see what this book looked like and now it is time to share it with all of you.

As you see, the cover is the header picture.  It states that is was from 2003 to 2004, but the Tour only lasted from August 2, 2003 to December 20, 2003 so not sure why 2004 was on it.  The 2004 Tour was Rock the Nation World Tour.  The band at this point was of course, Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley, but drums was some guy named Peter Criss and the guitarist was the spaceman himself, Tommy Thayer.  Wait…that sounds wrong, but it was Tommy.

On to the pictures, the book opens up with some concert shots…



Then we get in to Paul Stanley’s dedicated page…#winning


Then a couple great close-up make-up  face pictures…first two were Paul and Tommy…

Then it is Tommy’s turn with his own page…


Then a bunch more band concert photos…




And a great Gene shot licking his bass…


Then we get the Centerfold and we are half-way through the book…


And then more band shots…




Now for the next wave of band member pictures…first up Peter Criss…


Then the close-up make-up pics of Peter and Gene…

And now in to Gene’s personal page…


And we wind it up with a couple more band pictures…



And the last pages are the Tour Credits and an advertisement for the latest Kiss Release, Kiss Symphony Alive IV 2-28-03…



And last, but certainly not least, the back cover which is one of my favorite shots in the book…


And that is all.  I hope you enjoyed the third book in the Tour Book posts.  I have bought another one from a friend of my brothers in Georgia, so hopefully I can get down there soon and pick it up as I don’t want to pay to have it shipped if I’m going to be down there in the near future.  Hopefully it isn’t too long, otherwise, I might as well have it shipped.

Thanks for hanging out.  Until next time, have a great day!

18 thoughts on “Kiss – World Domination 2003-2004 Tour – Tour Book

  1. Tour Book Tuesday. This was a great tour with Aero. This was the tour that I had to buy a KISS shirt with the Alive cover on the front.
    Thanks for sharing the pics of the book from that tour John.

    Liked by 1 person

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