Friday New Releases – January 27, 2023

We already to the close of the first month of 2023 and it has been somewhat lackluster at times with new releases, but this week we have over 40 new releases for you so there should be something for you. I don’t really have any I am running out and buying, but maybe I’ll stream the Steve Vai one, but outside of that probably not. The Dokken release would be great if it had some new or unreleased songs on it, otherwise I have those albums already. Let me know what you want to hear this week or if we missed any releases. Thanks so much for stopping by and I hope you all have a great weekend.

  • 91Es-rcmbpL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Steve Vai – Vai / Gash – (Favored Nations / Mascot Label Group)
  • 81h-6hTTyQL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Elle King – Come Get Your Wife – (RCA Records / Sony Music)
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