My Sunday Song – “Jesus Came to Tennessee” by Will Hoge

For My Sunday Song #262, we are talking about “Jesus Came to Tennessee” by Will Hoge. The song is off one of Will’s protest E.P.s called ‘Modern American Protest Music’ from 2012. The whole album is Will speaking out about what was going on in America at the time and there will be another song we highlight from this E.P. That will be two songs out of ten that will come from an E.P. and not an album and that should tell you what I think about the E.P.

This one is where the lyrics need to be read as it is totally and utterly brilliant. The song is a fictional story about Jesus coming down to Tennessee and visited with Will. It is a conversation he and Jesus had as they drove around Tennessee. It is hilarious at times no doubt with Jesus saying the following…

And I’ll call off this doomsday end of the world and I can go back home
“It gets wild when I leave Daddy and John Lennon up there all alone”

But most of it is commentary to how badly we have screwed up things down here. Will and his wife had a child out of wedlock, but Jesus says thats okay as he was born out of wedlock as well. Jesus sees all the war and poverty and how we treat the gays and He is ready to pull the plug on us. Will asks Jesus if he wants to watch Fox or CNN and Jesus says he just wants to hear the truth. And then Jesus calls off the Doomsday when he sees the little children of all different races and sexes playing together with no cares about race or anything. Jesus then said maybe there is hope. Which reminds us that racism is learned and not natural. There is so much great stuff in this song that you need to listen to it more than once. Here is one more line that I love…

I yelled, “One more thing Jesus, could you help me write some hits?”
And in a big voice he said that “I will, if you quit writin’ songs like this”

I love that line as it shows that Will doesn’t take himself serious and has a great sense of humor. I’m telling you, this guy is pure gold!! I could dissect every line in this song and relate to current events, but I think you will pick up on it easily enough when you hear it. It is a combination of everything that is wrong with our country right now and some hope that we could fix it.

Musically, it is a country style track and Will speaks-sings the lyrics like some old-school outlaw country track. It is a simple beat the whole time and Will goes through the whole conversation with Jesus. There isn’t too much to it as this song is all about the lyrics so listen close and take it all in.

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Merry Christmas: Stryper – “Reason For the Season”

I’m sitting here on this long, cold, winter night with a glass of wine in my hand and some crackers on a plate, contemplating Christmas and what it is all about.

What?  I am sorry, what did you say?

I’m missing cheese to go with my wine and crackers?

No, I am afraid you are mistaken, I have plenty of cheese as I am sitting here listening to Stryper’s Christmas song “Reason for the Season” and you can’t get any more cheesy than that song.


Lyrically, the song is really awful…yet it is so bad that it is actually wonderful.  You can’t help but love it! Really!  If that isn’t enough, you get a “short” version and a “long” version. Wow!!  Because once truly isn’t enough.

Continue reading “Merry Christmas: Stryper – “Reason For the Season””

Scott Stapp – ‘Proof of Life’ (2013) – Album Review

Scott Stapp.  Where do you begin?  The Creed frontman has been ridiculed and the talk of much gossip with his numerous personal issues.  He seems to be one of those artists that people love to hate.  I don’t get it.  I will go ahead and say this upfront.  I think he is an awesome singer and a great frontman.  I like Creed!!  I like Scott Stapp!! I like Art of Anarchy!!  I like everything he has done…okay, maybe not everything…but heckuva lot of it.

Scott’s personal demons are well documented…his drinking problems, many addictions and his battle with bipolar disorder.  He has attempted suicide, been in and out of rehab and so many other things that nobody wants to have happen to them.  At the time of this album, he seemed to be doing really well.  But shortly after, he came crashing down again.

‘Proof of Life’ is Scott’s 2nd solo album and is probably his most personal and honest record he has ever done.  It takes you on a stroll through all his struggles and how he somehow is able to get back up and fight back.  There are many Christian overtones in the music, but it is not a Christian album.  It is a mainstream, hard rock album…no doubt.  It is probably the best thing he has ever done.  Yes, I said it…The BEST thing he has ever done!!!


Continue reading “Scott Stapp – ‘Proof of Life’ (2013) – Album Review”

Happy Birthday Jesus! – “Birthday” by the Beatles

Merry Christmas Everyone!!  It will be a busy day with opening presents, spending time with family and hopefully listening to new albums I might get for Christmas.  I wanted to take a second and wish all my loyal followers and fellow bloggers a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Holidays.

The biggest thing to do today is to celebrate someone’s birthday.  Actually, two someones. Today we celebrate two very special Birthdays.  One is the Big Guy, Jesus!  We have to wish Jesus a Happy Birthday as He is the reason for the season.  He is what Christmas is all about.  He puts the “Christ” in Christmas.  BUT!!!…He isn’t the only one that has birthday on Christmas.  Nope.  I do as well.  I won’t tell you my age, but it is less than 50 and greater than 48.

And to celebrate our Birthdays, I am going to leave you with a great Birthday song by the Beatles simply called “Birthday”.  I like this one because when I sing it for Jesus, I tell him its his birthday, but it is my birthday too, yeah.  So enjoy and Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

Continue reading “Happy Birthday Jesus! – “Birthday” by the Beatles”

Tuesday’s Memes – Christmas Music

Christmas Music!!  Who doesn’t love Christmas Music??  Well, a lot of people.  Let’s celebrate that music this week as I am sure you are either still listening to Christmas music or you are ready to stab your ears with a pencil so you don’t have to listen.  There are just under 2 weeks left to Christmas, where do you stand on Christmas Music?



There are two camps on Christmas Music.

Those who Love it…





And those who HATE IT!!






Me, I only like Christmas Music on my Birthday…as that is my Birthday.  I am in good company as I know some one else who likes Christmas Music on their birthday…


And if you aren’t in the Christmas Spirit…this man can change that…


Colton Dixon – Identity (Deluxe Edition – 2017) – Album Review

Colton Dixon is one of the rising stars in the Christian genre.  As everyone always has to mention, he is a former American Idol contestant who finished in 7th place on Season 11. Now on his third album, the maturity and vocal talent are hitting their peak. Colton has been growing with each release and ‘Identity’ shows definitely shows that growth.

‘Identity’ is a very ambitious album for this young singer.  The Deluxe Edition is a startling 17 tracks and is a loosely based concept album.  I say loosely as the album doesn’t tell a story from beginning to end, but appears to be broken into three parts with the songs representing that theme.  The three themes are “The Mind”, “The Body” and “The Spirit”.

“The Mind”

The first part of the album is “The Mind”.  The album starts off with the Interlude called “The Mind” which is an instrumental piece with angel like voiceovers by a female and male voiceover giving you the theme of the section.  It is actually quite great.  The song transitions seamlessly into the title track “Identity”.  The four songs in this section are all pop songs that in one shape or another are representative of the mind.

Continue reading “Colton Dixon – Identity (Deluxe Edition – 2017) – Album Review”

My Sunday Song – “Mary, Did You Know?” by Pentatonix

My Sunday Song – Special Christmas Edition.  Merry Christmas to all and I thought I would give you one of my favorite songs that is the true meaning of Christmas.  The song was written in 1991 and it has been covered by a ton of artists.  It was tough to choose one and I went with the Pentatonix version.  It is a beautiful version of a beautiful song.

Yes, Christmas is about giving and receiving gifts, but Jesus is the real reason so don’t forget that.  I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day.

Continue reading “My Sunday Song – “Mary, Did You Know?” by Pentatonix”