Friday New Releases – March 17, 2023

Welcome to Friday!!! The beginning of the weekend is hear, but before you start your weekend, you need to go through the new release and find some new music. For me, I wen through the list and there is nothing I dying to hear, but a few I might try. We do get a brand new U2 album..sort of…re-recorded songs isn’t something I’m thrilled about. What do you think? Let me know what you want to hear this week or what we may have missed. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • A1ZweGQemIL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  U2 – Songs of Surrender – (Island Records / Universal Music)
  • 81DSr1bU7qL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Theory of a Deadman – Dinosaur – (Roadrunner Records)
Continue reading “Friday New Releases – March 17, 2023”

Friday New Releases – February 25, 2022

I can’t believe we are already to the last Friday of February. This year is already flying by. The good news is that it feels like the new releases come faster and faster. This month there are over 50 to go through and that should keep you busy for a while. There are three I’m interested in hearing and the are highlighted in Blue. Let me know what you want to hear this week and let us know if we missed anything. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • 81dU-Br4D3L._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Scorpions – Rock Believer – (Vertigo Berlin / Universal Music): Our favorite German rock band is still going strong after around 50 years together. And these guys can still kick some major ass. I am really looking to hear this, but don’t expect a review for a very long time as I am saving it for the Scorpions Collection Review Series that will start later this year.
  • 61pLU2Q97SL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Corey Taylor – CMFB…Sides – (Roadrunner Records): The Slipnot frontman is at it again and as much as I love his CMFT album, I am eager to hear this one. I believe it is a covers album, but I am okay with it. And based on the cover, I think we will see a Kiss Cover on this thing.
Continue reading “Friday New Releases – February 25, 2022”