The Collection: Ep. 11 – Wrap-Up April 2024

I can’t believe it is time for another monthly wrap-up of what we added to The Collection. This time around, it is April 2024 and we added a ton of stuff. Somethings we added were actually in their own episode like the Record Store Day purchases and some Kiss Bootlegs. The rest of what we added are on here.

We hit up the local record stores here in Charlotte and even down in Wilmington, North Carolina when we were on our Spring Break trip. We picked up stuff from Discogs, eBay and even from Amazon as well. It is a lot of stuff and so much in fact, there are things still unopened and haven’t been listened to yet. I think that is a sign I bought too much. But like traffic signs, I’m ignoring it too!!

So go check it out as it is live now on April 29, 2024 at 8pm. Thanks for stopping by and please click “Like” and hit “Subscribe” as it helps out the site when you do.

And for those that wanted the BIG picture we used to put at the bottom of the post with everything in it, here you go…it is back as requested…

9 thoughts on “The Collection: Ep. 11 – Wrap-Up April 2024

  1. Billy!!

    Thanks for that Reach tip. They sound interesting.

    Do u have New Crown from Wolfmother? That one goes for big bucks. Not sure why. That’s the only one I don’t have..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. And you have a Billy in the Pyromania set with “Billy’s Got a Gun”….lots of Billy’s.

      My favorite Reach album The Great Divine. Check that one out…Straight up Rock on that one.

      And no, I don’t have that one yet from them. And yikes, I hope I don’t have to pay big bucks for it.


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