Friday New Releases – October 26th

Happy Friday and welcome to the last Friday of October.  Halloween is just around the corner, but sadly not much to scare up in the releases this week.  There a couple I might check out and if I get in the early Christmas spirit, maybe the William Shatner Christmas album will get a spin…but seriously doubt it.  My choices are highlighted in Blue. Let me know what interests you, if anything, and let me know what I am missing out on this week.  Thanks and have a great weekend.

  • 51cDoAXQKKL._AC_US436_QL65_  The Struts – Young&Dangerous – (Interscope):  It has been a couple years since the Struts debut and they felt like they might the next big thing.  But for me, the Jury is still out as they seem to be more of a novelty act than anything.  The lead singer is a little over the top now and seems to be trying too hard to be something he really isn’t.  I haven’t been overly excited of what I have heard so far, but I will give it a listen as they did interest me at one time.  Man, I am really selling this one aren’t I!!!

  • 41t8Gq4R4-L._AC_US436_QL65_  Boy George & Culture Club – Life – (BMG):  Boy George is back and with Culture Club.  That alone is enough to sell this one.  I don’t know why, but this one interests me. I haven’t heard anything on it yet (not even the video posted below), but I want to hear it.  It will get a spin mainly out of curiosity.

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