Friday New Releases – January 21, 2022

We have another big week of releases for you on our Friday New Release post. And let me tell you, there is a plethora of styles, genres and sounds which means there will be something for you. You have my word or I’ll give you your money back…now of course you didn’t pay any money to be here so there is nothing to pay you back, but you get what I mean. My choices are highlighted in Blue. Let me know what you want to hear or what I may have missed. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  • 71VAIUZH7cL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  Kissin’ Dynamite – Not the End of the Road – (Napalm Records): This German band is now on their seventh album and I would say these guys are on to something as they keep getting better. Their 80’s stadium rock sound full of hooks and that anthem sound yet till sound modern. I can’t wait to hear what they have to offer this time around.
  • 81JkNZFtDAL._AC_UY436_FMwebp_QL65_  John Mellencamp – Strictly A One-Eyed Jack – (Republic Records): Can you believe this is his 25th album? Insane right. I hadn’t listened to him in awhile so now I think it is time to check him out again and see if there is still life left in this pirate.
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