Friday New Releases – February 16, 2024

Welcome to Friday New Releases and today we have a ton of new music for your listening pleasure. There are four that I really want to check out and they are Honeymoon Suite, Durbin, Crazy Lixx and Blackberry Smoke. But there is one that tops them all and that is the new Jeff Scott Soto album as he joins the band Art of Anarchy!! That one has been bought and I’m ready to crank it up. Jennifer Lopez has a new one too if you are interested (i’m really not, but you might be) or maybe Idles or Chromeo, who knows. Take a look and let me know what you want to hear this week or what we may have missed. Thanks for stopping by and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend.

  •  The Art of Anarchy – Let There Be Anarchy – (Pavement Music)
  •  Honeymoon Suite – Alive – (Frontiers Records)
  •  Durbin – Screaming Steel – (Frontiers Records)
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