Jeff Scott Soto – All The Albums Ranked Worst to First (The Jeff Scott Soto Series)

Around 20 months ago, we started the Jeff Scott Soto Series and have been through 85 reviews of items in my collection. That is an insane amount of albums, singles and collector’s pieces to have in a collection, let alone one artist. Jeff started way back in 1984 with Yngwie Malmsteen and has been on over 50 studio albums, numerous live albums, compilations and tribute albums, soundtracks and anything else you can think of and it was a personal goal of mine to visit every single one. I don’t think you will find any website with a more extensive collection of Jeff Scott Soto Reviews then right here at 2 Loud 2 Old Music.

Not every album he has done is good..not at all, but most of them for me are at least a 3 out of 5 or better. And the ones that aren’t, have at least a few songs to add to an already impressive playlist. Along this journey, I have had the pleasure of meeting Jeff twice after his shows and he has been so kind each time and signed numerous album covers for me. However, I was never able to get the interview I had hoped for, but I am not giving up hope as one day it will happen. Until then, let’s go through every studio album where Jeff is the main singer and rank them from the worst album to the best album and everything in between.

There are 53 studio albums that I have where Jeff is the featured singer and we touch them all. I hope you enjoy the walk though the albums and maybe find something you would like to hear. If you discovered at least one album as a result of this series, then my work is done. If not, “WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU???”…kidding. Sorry, lost my head there. Enough of this chitchat, let’s get to the list.

First, the ones that scored 2 or less out of 5 Stars

THE WORST: Bakteria- ‘Defecate! Suffocate! Mutilate! Masturbate!’ (1992/2009)

Musically, it is pretty freaking heavy. Uptempo, speed metal vibes at time and as the sticker says, a mixture of Metal/Sludge/Crust/Punk. All I know is it sucks. Jeff sings in almost a growl, that is deep and completely unrecognizable as it is borderline guttural vocals at times. I listened to this in the car on the drive home from work one day and I thought to myself, “If I have a wreck and die, the police and my family are going to wonder what the hell I was in to with that crap playing in my car.” I was actually a little embarrassed to be listening to it. I am a little embarrassed to actually own this and have it in the collection, but my Soto Collection isn’t complete without it sadly. My Overall Score is a 0.0 out of 5.0 Stars! And that is being nice. It is the WORST ALBUM I HAVE EVER HEARD IN MY LIFE!!!

#52 – Kryst the Conqueror – ‘Deliver Us From Evil E.P.’ (1989) / ‘Soldiers of Light: The Complete Recordings’ (2019)

Okay, if you are The Misfits fan, then you probably will like this. However, I am not so this does nothing for me. I thought after listening to it 6 or so times, it might start getting better, but it did not. I did find 2 bright spots in the middle with “Wherever I Roam” and “Valhalla”, but everything else sounded the same. Plus the fantasy and sci-fi themes with Jesus being a conqueror totally lost me as well. I like movies to take me to these type of places, but music…no. My Overall Score is a 1.5 out of 5.0 Stars as it isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever heard, but close. 

#51 – Skrapp Mettle – ‘Sensitive’ (1991)

This is utter trash, garbage lyrics, middle school humor, vulgar, nasty, disgusting and yet at a few points, kind of funny and enjoyable, but so few times and so little enjoyment.  I can see why no one wanted their name associated with this trash.  Steel Panther made a career out of this, but they took themselves seriously and were actually brilliant at their craft, this is not.  Yes, I liked a little of it, but not enough to warrant any kind of good score. My Overall Score is a 1.5 out 5.0 Stars.  I couldn’t go lower because there is another album similar to this one coming very soon that makes this one look like Sesame Street or hell, even The Wiggles.

#50 – Biker Mice From Mars – Soundtrack (1993)

Having never seen the show, I’m not sure how well the songs work in the context of the show, but as an album taken out of context, it is rather cheesy being about mice and rats (sorry I went there). The lyrics are juvenile at best, the music is simple, not very complex or exciting and Jeff does the best he can with the material.  At times, I wondered if he was thinking…”What the hell did I sign up for?”.  As a show soundtrack, it might hold up well and get a good score, but I’m not coming from that angle. My Score is a 2.0 Out of 5.0 Stars as it has some stuff I don’t mind, but most is a total miss.  Skippable if not a Soto fan, sadly, I am all in so it is in my collection. 

Now it is time for the ones that score 2.5

#49 – Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Magic’ (1997)

The album is loved by fans and I have read at times that it is a lot of people’s favorites with Jeff, but I don’t agree with it. I don’t feel it was a great showcase of his vocals and Power Metal is not his wheelhouse or something he loves to sing and it shows.  Axel did live up to his word with giving us a more heavy album after ‘Black Moon Pyramid’ pulled back a little…but I liked it more than this one.  The title track, “The Clown Is Dead”, “Nightmare” and “Playing with Fire” were all killer, standout tracks so it isn’t a total lost. It is a decent album, but I don’t feel their best with Jeff. My Overall Score is a 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  Now realize, this style of Axel’s playing is not something I enjoy, I’m not in to Power Metal at all so it might be a great album, but does nothing for me.

#48 – Takara – ‘Eternal Faith’ (1993)

As a Soto fan, I do like this album, but if I am being honest it isn’t that good.  Released in 1993 and the song is drenched in the 80’s and at times with the incredibly awful keyboards, the songs are some times drowning in the sound. The production quality is so bad and the only things that sound good are the guitars, the bass and Jeff.  Jeff did produce it so he is to blame and so is the lack of money for quality work.  To be fair, I don’t think he had ever produced anything up to this point and it shows.  My Overall Score is a 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars as it does have some fine moments, but the production does kill it for me. However, if you are so in love with the 80’s sound that nothing matters, you might dig this.

#47 – Takara – ‘Taste of Heaven’ (1995)

I’ve read where people don’t think this one is as good as the debut and I don’t know I agree.  I didn’t care for the debut and I don’t care for this one that much so I will say it is as good…and as bad…as the debut.  It is a copy cat sound, unoriginal style and in a genre that died out years earlier.  I guess some parts of the world like it (like Japan), but I can’t wrap my head around it anymore.  There are handful of tracks that are worth keeping and “Lonely Shade of Blue” is a one of Jeff’s classic songs you have to have.  However, My Overall Score is only a 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars as it is too bland and unoriginal when compared to the genre.

#46 – Takara – ‘Blind in Paradise’ (1998)

There is really nothing wrong with this album. Jeff’s vocals are always great and the songs are good. It has a great AOR/Melodic Rock sound and if you are fan of that, you might like this one.  The problem for me is most of the songs sound the same, are a little dull at times and don’t excite me in any way. The minute I hear them, I completely forget about them when the next song plays. The songs don’t stick in my head and that is never a good thing.  I listened to it in the car several times and could never really pay attention.  My Overall Score is 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars as it is an average album at best. However, if you are a Jeff Scott Soto fan, you have to have it in your collection. I know, all three Takara albums the same score..that’s bad. But these are forgettable.

#45 – Redlist – ‘Ignorance’ (2007)

I applaud Jeff for trying something different and reinventing himself. For the first half of the album, I think it all works and I couldn’t be happier, but the second half drops off fast and hard.  The electronic sounds are harsh, not gritty or industrial enough.  More annoying than anything. That drum sound is pure shit and that is all the negative I have. When they get it right, they sound great and some of this album I enjoy immensely.  Other parts not so much.  My Overall Score is a 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  A good effort, put production really kills this one for me as they didn’t get the sound right.

#44 – Slam – ‘Slam’ (2023)

Note, these are all demos from a band that never found a record deal so the score isn’t surprising.  But for historical reasons in Jeff’s career this is a really cool set of songs. It is nice seeing where his head was at during this time and too bad they couldn’t make it work. However, it is better for us it didn’t or we might not have had Talisman or any of his later bands.  I love how some songs made it on future releases, but not surprising they all didn’t. This was 1991, so no wonder they didn’t sign a deal as the labels were wanting the Alice in Chains and Nirvana’s of the world.  This is Funk, Rap, Soul, R&B and rock all rolled in to one. I am glad that Jeff and George decided to finally release this is as I am happy to have it in the collection.  My Overall Score is 2.5 out of 5.0 Stars for what it is, a bunch of demos.  For coolness factor, it would score higher.

Things start getting better as we are to the 3 Star choices

#43 – Eyes – ‘Windows of the Soul’ (1993)

I do enjoy most of the songs, but production wise and quality of the first half of the album is a little suspect.  When you get to the 3 songs that were on the debut album, it is obvious the quality of those other songs is lacking and especially considering a song I thought was only ok on the debut I think is stellar here.  That is an issue.  My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars because it still deserves a passing grade as I do like it and will listen to this again. If you are a Soto fan, it is worth buying no doubt.  If not, still get it, just don’t need to rush out and get it.

#42 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Beautiful Mess’ (2009)

The nicknamed title, ‘BM’, didn’t really fit the album as it wasn’t as bad as a BM. The real title doesn’t fit either because for me the album wasn’t very beautiful, but it was a little of a mess. I think Jeff taking a step back on production and songwriting really hurt the album. He put too much reliance on Paulo to the detriment of the music.  Now, it isn’t all bad as there are a bunch of songs to enjoy, but overall, the experience left me a little bored at times and uninterested in what they were trying to do.  The big detractor was Jeff’s vocals weren’t used to their fullest capabilities and that is the main reason I come along on the Soto train, it is his voice!  Now, it isn’t the worst thing he has ever done by far and I do enjoy a number of songs so I won’t be too harsh.  My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars.

#41 – Gary Schutt – ‘Sentimetal’ (1994)

There are some great moments on here and crazy to think Gary played all the instruments.  The biggest problem with me on this album is the drum sound, it is all programmed drums and I’m sorry but they sound like crap.  Nothing beats a real drum sound.  Remember that!!  The prog elements were adventurous but I think Gary bit off more than he could chew there.  The rest of the album was fantastic. Some great AOR and melodic moments.  The ballad “I Guess I’m Still in Love” is sensational and “Stranded” was another killer track for me.  My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it does deserve a passing grade and for a debut solo album, Gary did fantastic, but he didn’t find his identity yet with his sound as he was a little all over the place.  Still worth grabbing though especially if you are a Soto fan.

#40 – Sons of Apollo – ‘MMXX’ (2020)

The songs that are good, are really good and I would happily play this again to get to those songs.  There is no denying these guys no how to play as they are on full display with their talent overflowing. Jeff’s vocals on this one don’t get to shine like they did on the debut for me as I thought that album was stellar.  This one is only good.  Too much prog, not enough straight-up rock for my taste. If you like prog, then this will be for you. My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it doesn’t hold up to the debut for me or even the live disc.

#39 – SOTO – ‘Inside the Veritgo’ (2015)

My biggest problem with this album is the fact it is inconsistent. It is not a band at all so calling SOTO doesn’t work for me. The band is never on all the songs and in fact, David Z doesn’t even play on it, though he did tour for them.  The band is really the touring band.  The songs don’t all fit together and the sound isn’t the same throughout with all the different players and that is big miss.  But, there are a lot of great songs and seeing Soto go heavy and get a little more aggressive with his vocals is never a bad thing. In fact, it is welcomed.  For all of these reasons, My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it is still a good release, just not one of his best efforts.

#38 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Retribution’ (2017) 

the reviews I read on this were glowing, but that is not what I take away from the album. I’m left in a dull glimmer of light about to burn out.  The album opens really strong and I had high hopes, but it all faded as the back half of the album felt like all filler, very little killer.  Jeff’s vocals are as great as usual, but the songs here and even the production a little bit were lacking overall.  Howie’s guitar though kicked some ass through out and he was digging the wah-wah which I loved.  With all that being said, My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it is still better than a lot of people’s song, but not up to the standards have for a Soto album.

#37 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Complicated’ (2022)

There are so many reviews praising this record and I would agree, if this is your introduction to Jeff, it is a very good record. Great production, the music is accessible and Jeff’s vocals are sensational as usual. When you’ve listened to everything he’s done back-to-back for over a year like I have, you see the issues. The songs all sound the same, no variety like his earlier solo albums and the songs are a little forgettable.  Yeah, they sound great while you are listening to them, but 15 minutes later you don’t remember them.  However, there are a bunch of tracks that are great to have in the Soto catalog and might one day be classics like “Home Again” and “Love is the Revolution”.  My Overall Score is a 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars which a 3.0 is still great, but If I’m being honest, I don’t like Jeff’s work with Alessandro.  I think this is a good album is you are just getting in to Jeff, but once you dive deeper in to Jeff’s work, it doesn’t hold up as well.

#36 – Panther – ‘Panther’ (1986)

It is an important starting point for Jeff as it was probably his first real band that played original material.  It is cool to see his humble beginnings and you have to remember he was only about 18 years old too.  He has come along way since.  The album is pure 80’s metal and sounds like everything from that time but there are some cool elements and even back then Jeff could scream some high notes.  The songs themselves are okay, nothing special but I still enjoyed this album a lot mainly for its historical aspect.  It isn’t the worst thing he has done and there are a few.  I am going to be generous with this one and give it an Overall Score of 3.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it is a must have for the diehard Jeff Scott Soto fan!!

And now time for the albums that score a 3.5!!

#35 – Human Clay – ‘Human Clay’ (1996)

I have to bring up production on this again as it is really bad on most of this album.  It is hard to ignore and must be pointed out.  However, there are some gems on here as with almost every Soto album. The two bonus tracks might be the best songs, but you also have “Now It’s Time”  and “Holdin’ On”.  Jeff does sound great, but production hurts Marcel’s bass sound as it isn’t as crisp and brutal is he usually is.  It is a very disappointing album only saved by the bonus tracks.  My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  Without the bonus tracks and maybe a 2.5.

#34 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)’ (2020)

I think this one is a step-up from the last solo album, but not by a huge margin. I like the fact the songs sound a little like a lot of his work like Talisman and Sons of Apollo and it sounds like Jeff. A great attempt at pleasing all his fans with one album. And that is hard to do.  The production is pretty good, the songs aren’t bad, but not all the songs were good either. The one constant is that Jeff’s vocals are always top notch and the reason I continue to come around as you know there will be some great stuff.  I liked the bass playing because at times, it reminded me of Marcel Jacobs playing which I hope was intentional and I think the guitar playing on here was some of the best we’ve seen on a solo album in awhile.  For all these things, My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  It is another respectable Soto Solo album and for me a few classics to add to the mix.

#33 – SOTO -‘Divak’ (2016)

This is definitely a step up from the debut SOTO album and it is nice to see the band actually play on it. It is heavy, with some great guitars, great bass work and those drums were immense.  Jeff can do almost anything vocally and he shows that here.  My biggest problem with the album is although it sounds great when you are listening to it and you definitely enjoy it, most of the songs don’t stick with you too long after its over.  As a result, My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  Still worth to have in the JSS collection though!

#32 – Talisman – ‘Life’ (1995)

 I do have some issues with this one as I thought the mix on my version was bad and that mostly comes with the uneven transitions between songs. It is very inconsistent.  There are only a handful of standout tracks such as “Tears in the Sky”, “Crazy”, “Body”, “Soul 2 Soul” and “A Life”, but otherwise the rest of the album could be forgettable.  Out of the all their studio albums, this might be the weakest, however, this is still a respectable album and better than a lot of his albums.  It does have its moments and is above average which is why My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  I don’t know if it was for the fact they felt rushed or production, but the quality of the songs on this weren’t there compared to other Talisman albums..  It could also be they didn’t perform this one live in the studio together which I find can hurt the vibes of the album.

#31 – Yngwie Malmsteen – ‘Rising Force’ (1984)

The first half of this album is utter brilliance. Some of the best playing and the songs are nothing short of amazing. The back half feels lost and disjointed. I still liked this way more than I thought I would but it really is off the strength of the first half. I could listen to those first 4 tracks over and over and not tire.  The back half I could skip entirely.  My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars as you can’t go wrong with a lot of this.  Now, since this is a Jeff Scott Soto Series, I will say that I think his vocals on here are less than inspiring as well. He hasn’t found his voice yet, but hell I think he was only 18, so he is forgiven.  Thankfully, he gets more songs on the next album.

#30 – Talisman – ‘Truth’ (1998)

There is something special when Jeff and Marcel get together to do “Talisman”.  Their other stuff together was good, but you can’t beat the magic that is Talisman.  Even with 3 cover songs, it is still a solid album. It might be a little long at 15 tracks (14 since one is a bonus track) and would’ve scored way better with a 10 song set.  But this is the late 90’s and it was the thing to do to jam as many songs as the CD could hold.  I think they had too many softer songs and would’ve been better on the heavy, but the songs that were good, were really good on this one like “Here 2Day, Gone 2Day” and “Angel/Devil” to name a couple. My Overall Score is still respectable at 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  A lot of albums would want that score.

#29 – SOTO – ‘Origami’ (2019)

SOTO didn’t impress me much with the first two albums, and the third didn’t do much better.  The songwriting is still subpar as the lyrics at times are cringe worthy and the songs aren’t as memorable as most of Jeff’s work, however, this one held my interest a little more and had more songs that I liked.  If I had to pick a favorite of the three so far, this would be it, but not by much.  My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars which is the same as the 2nd album, but since I like this one a little more maybe it should be 3.6, who knows.  I’ll stick with Jeff’s other albums more than I will with SOTO…sorry Jeff.

#28 – Boogie Knights – ‘Welcome to the Jungle Boogie’ (1997)

Jeff has done a couple of bands that were parodying something such as Skrapp Mettle and Bakteria, but The Boogie Knights was the first that took it seriously and made it successfully. If it wasn’t for Boogie Knights we wouldn’t have Steel Panther probably. The Boogie Knights are a disco fun-filled machine. The music is great and only gives you a taste of how great the actual live show really was. The band still plays today and not sure if any of the original guys are in it, but it lives on. I see why Jeff Scott Soto chose to do this as it was a very good steady paycheck and it sounds like a lot of fun. I will say this was much better than I expected and if I am ever in the mood for some disco fun, I will pull this out. My Overall Score is a 3.5 out of 5.0 Stars if you want get your dancing shoes on, do a little “wooh wooh’s” and get down tonight. And honestly I would play this over some of Soto’s other work.

And now we are on to the cream of the crop…the 4.0’s! There are 17 albums in this batch and all incredible!

#27 – SOTO – ‘Revision’ (2020)

I was not expecting to like this at all.  I went in think that whole Bon Jovi debacle, but was pleasantly surprised at how much I liked this (for the most part).  They weren’t complete re-imagining of the songs, it was mostly finding the heart of the song, taking it down a notch and just a few instruments and that amazing voice which is on full display here.  Now, I want a physical product of this collection as I would listen to it again, no doubt.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  A total surprise for me.

#26 – Humanimal – ‘Humanimal’ (2002)

I have to say there are really no fillers on this one.  The only negative is that it is a lot of sameness in that they were all rockers (some a little heavier than others).  There are very few chances to catch your breath and more variety would’ve been good.  But that is my only negatives to this album.  Pontus Norgren shows he is a force to reckoned with on that guitar as his solos and riffs are all top notch. Marcel is a master on the bass and not too many like him. Thomas kept the songs moving with his pounding on those skins.  And well, Soto does what he does best with those soaring, melodic vocals. The man is a beast!  Humanimal was a one time thing, but it did wet the whistle for more Talisman.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  It is jam packed with good songs, but still not one of my all time favorites.

#25 – Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Eternal Prisoner’ (1992)

I have to admit, I was unfamiliar with Axel Rudi Pell’s work so I didn’t know what to expect when I first tackled his Soto catalog and I have to say I was rather impressed.  Not with just Jeff, but Axel’s playing and how the songs were songs and not showcases of how great he is…which they are that, but more subtle.  His playing is understated and not over-the-top.  The song on the album while some metal, most were in the classic 80’s rock sound I grew up with and love so of course I liked a lot more than I didn’t on this thing.  Jeff Scott Soto sounded great as he could hang with the metal and bring it home on the more melodic hard rock songs.  This is another example of why I really like his singing.  If you have never checked out an Axel Rudi Pell album before, do yourself a favor and start with this one.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars as I can see myself pulling this one out again and again.

#24 Human Clay – ‘U4IA’ (1997)

This was a huge step up from the Human Clay debut which had poor production and the songs weren’t as good. This one saw them rock out a little more going a little heavier at times, but it was the guitar work that really stood out this time around. It was more in your face.  The fact they used actual drums this time around helped even more thanks to Jamie Borger.  Marcel Jacobs and Jeff Scott Soto are a dynamic duo and they showed why I am a huge fan of theirs.  I still think most of their Talisman work is better, but out of the Human Clay work, this one is the best.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars as this one got it right!

#23 – Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Between the Walls’ (1994)

Axel is consistent and you know what you are going to get with his albums and that isn’t a bad thing. This one is another fantastic release with some of my favorite Axel tracks so far with “Casbah”, “Innocent Child” and “Desert Fire”.  Jeff’s vocals keep getting better and keep reminding me why I’m a fan.  With only a few missteps, it is still another great release that got better for me with each listen.  My Overall Score is another 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars which means I might have to explore more Axel Rudi Pell albums that Jeff isn’t in to see how they stack up.  

#22 – Eyes – ‘Eyes’ (1990)

This album was such a surprise when I heard it the first time. I didn’t expect it to be as good or better than a lot of stuff that came out in the 90’s. Like I said earlier, they didn’t have a good enough label that could influence radio or MTV to play so they had no way to break through from the 100 of other bands out there clogging up the scene and killing it at the same time.  Jeff Scott Soto’s vocals are on full display and you can really hear how great he is, his range and his ability to hit some killer high notes.  His vocals were smooth, melodic and downright awesome.  This is another shining example of how great he can be.  My Score is 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars

#21 – Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Black Moon Pyramid’ (1996)

This is a step in the right direction for Axel and might be favorite of his albums we’ve review so far.  It is the total package, great variety, impressive playing by all, solos galore and melodic vocal prowess by Soto.  You get speed metal, hard rock, instrumentals and hell, even funk.  It is a smorgasbord of variety and it keeps your interest from beginning to end.  The minor missteps don’t overshadow the greatness included here.  I’ve really started to enjoy Pell’s playing more and more with each listen.  The album also got better with each listen.  And Soto…well, he is why we’re hear anyway. What else do I need to say. My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  Worth a buy if you find it, no doubt!!

#20 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Love Parade’ (1994)

Let’s get the negative out of the way…the programmed drums is always a sore spot with me.  Now, what I love about this album is that is not what you’d expect from Jeff if all your knowledge was based on what he had done up to this point. But Jeff loves R&B and funk and Prince was a massive influence on him so if you know that, then this isn’t a total surprise.  The album is fun for me and I really enjoyed the departure from the metal and hard rock.  If you like something different, then this is for you.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars and a must in a Soto collection.  Grab it if you can.

#19 – W.E.T. – ‘Rise Up’ (2013)

The guitars rip, the keyboards shimmer, the drums slay, the bass grooves and the vocals soar in another Melodic Rock Masterpiece.  I think it is slightly less than the debut in overall perfection, but it still rises above most releases at this time.  The debut had more punch, they took more chances, where this one played it a little more safe.  Yet, it still delivers a solid album and any 80’s Rock, AOR, Melodic Rock will just eat it up. I know I have…but I’m far from full so get me more W.E.T. albums to devour.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.

#18 – Talisman – ‘7’ (2006)

Since this turned out to be their last studio album, what a way to go out.  There was no dialing it in here as the boys really put out a well-focused album that gives Talisman fans a taste of everything we love about the band. I had only discovered them a few years earlier, so for me it was awful that it seemed to end so fast, but I did have all their albums to look back on and I have done that fondly.  Appreciating them more with each listen. The only negatives were too many ballads and they tried to be a little too experimental one song, but otherwise, it is a stellar release and won’t disappoint.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  A nice end to an amazing ride.

#17 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Damage Control’ (2012)

After the disappointment of “Beautiful Mess” for a lot of people (including me, if I’m being honest), this was return to form for Jeff. I don’t have issues with him trying new things, not at all, but the last album was missing the songs in my book. This one has it in spades. With only a few misfires, Jeff seems to have found his groove and with the help of a lot of friends, has delivered a stellar release and another example of why I really dig this guy and have followed him for so long.  ‘Damage Control” sees the melodic, but it is the heaviest stuff that really left an impression for me. The guitar work on here is some of the best of any Soto album and I might love his voice, but it is nice to have the rest of the stuff sound great too and this certainly does.  My Overall Score is 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars as you can’t go wrong with this one folks. It has a little of everything.

#16 – Joel Hoekstra’s 13 – ‘Dying to Live’ (2015)

Man, I hate I didn’t spend time with this when it came out and still not sure how I didn’t realize Soto was on this one.  But glad I have it now. This was way better than I was expecting and it reminded me on how great Russell Allen is as a singer. And of course, it showcases the super talent of Joel Hoekstra.  The songs are great, you get metal, you get melodic rock, you get ballads, it is all there and then some.  If you didn’t listen to this one, spend some time with it as it gets better with each listen.  This is a Soto series, so Jeff is fantastic on this as well.  He sounds amazing as usual and I have no complaints at all with him. I just thought Russell’s songs on here were better,  but I really have negative to say about this album.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out 5.0 Stars. Worth a listen if you have time.  You won’t be disappointed.

#15 – Talisman – ‘Cats & Dogs’ (2003)

The band was back after a 5 year hiatus between albums and they haven’t slowed down.  They might even be stronger than before. It was awesome to have Fredrik Akesson back in the fold (not that I didn’t like Pontus Norgren).  Marcel’s bass is still is stellar as ever, Jamie’s drumming is still impressive and Jeff…well…Jeff is always flawless.  This was a great introduction for me in to the band and made me a fan ever since.  It’s not their best as I soon found out, but it still holds a special place in my heart.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars as the rockers on here are stellar with “Outta My Way”, “Skin on Skin” and “Break It Down”.  The production work was some of their best as well as the album sounded fantastic.  Going on Frontiers was a great thing for the band!

#14 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Prism’ (2002)

My only complaint is that it is a way too ballad heavy.  And that is it.  The ballads are all good, some are great and some a little less so, but I wouldn’t delete any of them so that says a lot.  You get 2 fantastic rockers with “Eyes of Love” and “How Long” and the Sly cover with Glenn Hughes duet is a certainly a highlight for me.  And a few of Jeff’s best ever ballads are on here with “Heaven Knows”, “Holding On” and “Don’t Come Easy”. Okay, I would have to throw “By Your Side” in to that mix as well.  Jeff’s vocals are fantastic and no denying his greatness with this one. This AOR/melodic side is where I think his vocals really shine.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars even if there are too many ballads.

#13 – W.E.T. – ‘Retransmission’ (2021)

The run of songs from “The Call of the Wild” to “How Far to Babylon” is one of the strongest four songs run on any of their albums. And the highlight of this one for sure.  W.E.T. doesn’t disappoint and gives us another strong album of melodic rock gems with power ballads and anthemic rockers. At times it is like stepping back in time to the 80’s and other times it sounds as fresh as today.  The production, as always, is fantastic from Eric. This time around, Magnus stepped it up a notch on his playing as the guitar was shining brightly on this one.  Erik’s vocals compliment Jeff’s so well and speaking of Jeff, his vocals are always on point with these W.E.T. albums and the reason I keep coming back (and the reason for this series).  I hope we get another W.E.T. album in the near future as I can’t get enough of them.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars and for the record, none of their four studio albums received less than a 4.0…that is how good they are!!

#12 – Talisman – ‘Talisman’ (1990)

Now, it is easy to see why all 23,000 copies that were released sold out in months in Sweden. It is classic AOR sounding rock and any fan of the 80’s Rock scene would eat this shit up. I know I did.  Any fans of Europe or Bon Jovi would enjoy this as there is so much goodness to be tasted.  The guitar solos, the ballads, the soaring vocals, the melodies, the harmonies, I mean what else would you want.  As a fan of this style, this was right up my alley and a favorite of mine. My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars.  Give this one a chance, I don’t think you’ll be disappointed.

#11 – Sons of Apollo – ‘Psychotic Symphony’ (2017)

Thankfully, this album had a mixture of the progressive metal and classic rock because if it was all prog style, I would’ve hated this.  However, the opening track “God of the Sun” was prog style and I loved it.  The straight ahead, more classic rock style songs I also loved. The playing is phenomenal, there is no denying as each of these players are some of the best. Derek Sherinian is unmatched on keyboards by anyone today; Mike Portnoy is one of the standout drummers as well and Bumblefoot doesn’t get enough recognition for his stellar playing; and it is Common Knowledge the bass player is on the top of his game.  And I don’t want to leave out Jeff as he is a high, in demand vocalist and the reason for this series so you know I love his work.  All are fantastic players and the songs on here I liked, I really liked.  The songs that I didn’t, doesn’t mean they weren’t great, just not my cup of tea.  My Overall Score is a 4.0 out of 5.0 Stars 

Now we are the start of the Top 10. All of these received a score of over 4.0 Stars

#10 – Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force – ‘Marching Out’ (1985)

Although the lyrics are little lacking at times and the back half is a little weaker, this is still head and shoulders above ‘Rising Force’.  The fact the album felt like a band album really helps in its enjoyment.  Jeff was still growing as a singer, but this was a fine step in to the maturity he would soon reach.  Yngwie’s playing was sensational and although I am really not a fan of his, this is one of his best in my opinion. I could find myself pulling this out from time to time.  Overall, My Score is a 4.25 out of 5.0 Stars as I have to ding it a little for the lyrics and weaker back half.  Otherwise, it is brilliant and worth picking up if you see it out in the wild.

#9 – W.E.T. – ‘Earthrage’ (2018)

The album comes out of the gate swinging and might be the strongest opening of the three W.E.T. albums. They give us more of the best melodic rock out there and also transport us to an era of music we loved so much growing up in the 80’s. The back half fades a little, but that doesn’t take away from the overall beauty of this album.  Jeff Scott Soto’s vocals get better with age and they are on fire with this one. Some of his best work. Erik Martensson and Magnus Henriksson’s guitar playing are some of the best as well.  Robert Sal’s keyboards gave the songs the textures they needed, but the drumming by Robban Back were a highlight for me as he pounded away during the rockers and was gentle during the ballads.  All-in-all, this was almost as great as the debut and definitely better than the 2nd album.  My Overall Score is a 4.5 out of 5.0 Stars!  The W.E.T. project is one of my favorites that Jeff has ever done and one of the reasons I’m such a huge fan of his.

#8 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘The Duets Collection, Vol 1’ (2021)

I will tell you, I didn’t want to like this album and I don’t. I actually love this album. It really gives these songs a new life, a new voice and since they were already great songs, they somehow made them even better. A lot of these projects like this can be a disaster, but not this one. Jeff was able to get some of the best voices on the scene right now. Some new and young and some legends in their own right like Jeff. Jeff’s choices of songs was pretty key here and he hit it out of the park. A great selection from throughout his career and some unexpected choices made this a fun and exciting listen. The band backing him were on freaking fire as they kept the heart of the songs while making them feel current and fresh. A truly brilliant project and the fact that this is called Vol. 1 makes me excited to think there is more coming. But can it match up to this…we will have to see. My Overall Score is a 4.5 out of 5.0 Stars. If you want an example of what Jeff can do and songs that are all what I would call classic Soto songs, this is a good place to start. If you want to get a taste of great singers that are around today and worth checking out…then this is a good place to start as well. You can’t go wrong here.

#7 – Ellefson/Soto – ‘Vacation in the Underworld’ (2022)

This is the metal album I’ve always wanted Jeff to make. His SOTO albums don’t hold a candle to this masterpiece.  David Ellefson and Andy Martongelli were able to give Jeff songs that are heads and shoulders above what he has had recently.  A great writing duo.  Throw in Paulo’s drumming and you have a solid band.  I hope one day we get more.  The album is heavy, with elements of Power Metal, Thrash and Melodic rock and they all work well as a cohesive piece.  Plus, Jeff sounded as great as usual as the man can do no wrong vocally.  I found the album to be dynamic with both darker and more upbeat anthemic elements and with the ballads on the bonus tracks a little tender as well. A well rounded album and one of the best in years for Jeff.  Please give us more. My Overall Score is a 4.5 out of 5.0 Stars.  Get this one if you can.

#6 – Soul Sirkus – ‘World Play’ (2004/2005)

Soto was on a roll at this point in his career.  Everything he touched sounded like gold and was so well produced.  From his solo album ‘Lost in the Translation’ to Talisman’s ‘Cats & Dogs” to this masterpiece.  I had only discovered Soto a couple years earlier and everything he was releasing was getting better and better.  Teaming up with Schon was magic and led to him getting the Journey gig before this relationship fell apart.  Who knows what happened, but at least we go this project out of it which is one of my favorites from Soto.  This was melodic perfection even when he was channelling Hagar and Perry at times.  It was really great stuff. My Overall Score is 4.5 out of 5.0 Stars. A brilliant collaboration that everyone must have!!

And here we are at the Top 5 which all received 5 Stars! These are the absolute best in my opinion!!

#5 – Kuni – ‘Lookin’ For Action’ (1988)

This is one album I wasn’t familiar with and didn’t know about it prior to me deciding to do this series. When I heard about it, I bought it immediately and it is now one of my favorite Soto albums. This is how I like to hear Soto. More melodic, lots of hooks, melodies and high notes and if I get that, I am on board fully and unconditionally.  Dana Strum’s production, although dated in the late 80’s, is top-notch.  He definitely had the songs to work with.  Kuni’s playing is amazing. He is a total shredder without going over-the-top nutso on every song. He is a true talent and understands that it is about the songs and not just his playing. Mike’s drum works is powerful and throw in Doug’s bass and you have a talented rhythm section. Soto’s vocals were on fire throughout and he could hit some killer notes which I think he can still do today.  My Overall Score is easily a 5.0 out of 5.0 Stars and I don’t have any problem with giving it that.  I have been playing this thing non-stop all week.  Oh, and throw it on in your car and it gets even better.

#4 – W.E.T. – ‘W.E.T.’ (2009)

 The writing styles of Sall and Martensson worked so magically together. They definitely brought the best of both their talents in to one cohesive unit. Jeff’s vocals have never been better and when accompanied by Martensson on backing vocals, the two played off each other so well. The album is best of Work Of Art, the best of Eclipse and the best of Talisman and you couldn’t want anything more.  The album that solidified my love for Soto’s vocals and made me a fan for life and a collector of everything he did.  This was the catalyst that made me a little obsessive. It also made me a fan of Eclipse and Work of Art.  It did a lot of things to me. My Overall Score is a 5.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it doesn’t get much better than this in my book.

#3 – Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Lost in the Translation’ (2004)

I am biased on this album since it was my first Soto solo album therefore it is a favorite of mine.  I would say there are some classic songs on here with “Believe In Me”, “Soul Divine” and “Drowning” and then some great ballads with “Sacred Eyes” and “If This is the End.  It is probably the one solo album I listen to the most and why it gets a great score.  My Overall Score is 5.0 Out of 5.0 Stars.  He really outdoes himself with this one and has really come in to his own.  I think this is the start of Jeff really pushing himself and finding his voice and we are all better for it.

#2 – Talisman – ‘Genesis’ (1993)

Let’s be honest, this album is flawless.  It is the perfect vehicle to highlight Jeff Scott’s vocals as this is his wheelhouse in style I like him the best.  Fredrik Akesson is only 19 and he nails every note and solo perfectly.  For a band that does this style of music, you need a gunslinger and they found it. Marcel’s bass playing might be one of my favorite things of Talisman.  I love how prominent he is in the sound and he is the main songwriter along with Jeff.  This is as close to perfect as you can get.  My Overall Score is easily 5.0 out of 5.0 Stars and might be the best thing they ever did…I said might be.

THE #1 ALBUM – Talisman – ‘Humanimal’ (1994)

I am probably biased with this one as it is my favorite Talisman album and has been since the first time I’d heard it.  It has such a variety of songs and styles and we see the band stretch themselves to their breaking point and succeed. Whether it is metal, funk, 80’s rock, ballads or even Spanish songs the band really gave us an album that is both interesting and exciting which keeps you on your toes as to what will come next.  Jeff’s vocals on here are the reason I became such a Soto fan.  Throw in the unbelievable bass playing of the late, great Marcel Jacob, the exciting drumming of Jamie Borger and the shredding skills of the amazing Fredrik Akesson and you have a band that was gelling together and giving us their best.  My Overall Score is obviously a 5.0 out of 5.0 Stars as it don’t get much better than this for Soto albums.

And that is the End of the Jeff Scott Soto Series…well…until he releases something new or I find one of the few pieces that escapes me currently. I hope you enjoyed…if you missed anything, they are all listed below.


  1. Panther – ‘Panther’ (1986) – recorded in 1984
  2. Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force – ‘Rising Force’ (1984)
  3. Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force – ‘Marching Out’ (1985)
  4. Kuni – ‘Lookin’ For Action’ (1988)
  5. Kryst the Conqueror – ‘Deliver Us From Evil’ (1989) / ‘Soldiers of Light: The Complete Recordings (2019)
  6. Eyes – ‘Eyes’ (1990)
  7. Eyes – “Nobody Said It Was Easy” (1990) – 7″ Single – Bonus Edition
  8. Talisman – ‘Talisman’ (1990)
  9. Talisman – “I’ll Be Waiting” (1990) – 7″ Single – Bonus Edition
  10. Skrapp Mettle – ‘Sensitive’ (1991)
  11. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Eternal Prisoner’ (1992)
  12. Bakteria – ‘Deficate! Suffocate! Mutilate! Masturbate!’ (1992 / 2009)
  13. Eyes – ‘Windows of the Soul’ (1993)
  14. Talisman – ‘Genesis’ (1993)
  15. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘The Ballads’ (1993)
  16. Biker Mice From Mars – ‘Biker Mice From Mars (Soundtrack)’ (1993)
  17. Takara – ‘Eternal Faith’ (1993)
  18. Talisman – ‘5 Out Of 5 (Live in Japan)’ (1994)
  19. Talisman – ‘Humanimal’ (1994)
  20. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Between the Walls’ (1994)
  21. Gary Schutt – ‘Sentimetal’ (1994)
  22. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Love Parade’ (1994)
  23. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Made in Germany (Live)’ (1995)
  24. Takara – ‘Taste of Heaven’ (1995)
  25. Talisman – ‘Life’ (1995)
  26. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Black Moon Pyramid’ (1996)
  27. Human Clay – ‘Human Clay’ (1996)
  28. Talisman – ‘Best of’ (1996)
  29. Axel Rudi Pell – ‘Magic’ (1997)
  30. Human Clay – ‘U4IA’ (1997)
  31. Boogie Knights – ‘Welcome to the Jungle Boogie’ (1997)
  32. Takara – ‘Blind in Paradise’ (1998)
  33. Talisman – ‘Truth’ (1998)
  34. ‘Rock Star: Music from the Motion Picture (Soundtrack)’ – Various Artists (2001)
  35. Humanimal – ‘Humanimal’ (2002)
  36. Humanimal – Find My Way Home: Limited Edition E.P. (2002)
  37. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Holding On E.P.’ (2002)
  38. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Prism’ (2002)
  39. Talisman – ‘Live at Sweden Rock Festival’ (2002)
  40. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘JSS Live at the Gods 2002’ (2003)
  41. Talisman – ‘Cats & Dogs’ (2003)
  42. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Believe in Me E.P.’ (2004
  43. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Lost in the Translation’ (2004)
  44. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Live at the Queen Convention 2003’ (2004)
  45. Soul SirkUS – ‘World Play’ (2004/2005)
  46. Talisman – ‘Five Men Live’ (2005)
  47. Talisman – ‘World’s Best Kept Secret DVD (2005)
  48. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Essential Ballads’ (2006)
  49. Journey – ‘Live from Atlanta (Bootleg)’ (2006)
  50. Talisman – ‘7’ (2006)
  51. Talisman – The Albums Ranked Worst to First
  52. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘B-Sides’ (2006)
  53. Redlist – ‘Ignorance’ (2007)
  54. Jeff Scott Soto – LA Rocks Demo / Vinnie Vincent Demo 1988 (2008)
  55. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Beautiful Mess’ (2009)
  56. Jeff Scott Soto – “21st Century” / “Gin & Tonic Sky” CD Single (2009) – Bonus Edition
  57. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘One Night in Madrid’ (2009)
  58. Trans-Siberian Orchestra – ‘Night Castle’ (2009)
  59. W.E.T. – ‘W.E.T.’ (2009)
  60. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Live at Firefest 2008’ (2010)
  61. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Damage Control’ (2012)
  62. W.E.T. – ‘Rise Up’ (2013)
  63. W.E.T. – ‘One Live in Stockholm’ (2014)
  64. Jeff Scott Soto – The Authorized Biography (2014)
  65. SOTO – ‘Inside the Vertigo’ (2015)
  66. Joel Hoekstra’s 13 – Dying to Live (2015)
  67. SOTO – ‘Divak’ (2016)
  68. Sons of Apollo – ‘Psychotic Symphony’ (2017)
  69. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Retribution’ (2017)
  70. W.E.T. – ‘Earthrage’ (2018)
  71. SOTO – ‘Origami’ (2019)
  72. Sons of Apollo – ‘Live With the Plovdiv Psychotic Symphony’ (2019)
  73. Sons of Apollo – ‘MMXX’ (2020)
  74. Talisman – “Never Die (A Song For Marcel)” – 7″ Single (2020)
  75. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Live and Loud in Milan 2019’ (2020)
  76. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Wide Awake (In My Dreamland)’ (2020)
  77. SOTO – ‘Revision’ (2020)
  78. W.E.T. – ‘Retransmission’ (2021)
  79. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘The Duets Collection, Vol. 1’ (2021)
  80. Jeff Scott Soto – ‘Complicated’ (2022)
  81. Jeff Scott Soto – The Solo Albums Ranked Worst to First
  82. Ellefson/Soto – ‘Vacation in the Underworld’ (2022)
  83. Slam – Slam (2023)
  84. Jeff Scott Soto – ALL THE ALBUMS Ranked Worst to First
  85. Jeff Scott Soto / Jason Bieler – Live In Concert (2022) – Bonus Edition
  86. Jeff Scotto Soto / Jason Bieler – Live in Concert (2023) – Bonus Edition

17 thoughts on “Jeff Scott Soto – All The Albums Ranked Worst to First (The Jeff Scott Soto Series)

  1. Massive undertaking. congrats on completing it and yep, there is no other site that has these kind of reviews on JSS.

    Happy to see his full Malmsteen album in the top 10 as it’s my favorite Malmsteen album, with the JLT one a close second.

    I didn’t expect the Ellefson collaboration to be that close to the top so I really need to get to it.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I liked the Ellefson album a lot. And yeah, that Malmsteen one is good. It was a labor of love. 20 months in the making. And I think he has one or two more new ones coming soon, so it won’t ever really be over.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Impressive list. I would like to hear that Schon Sirkus album. Soto should be your best friend by the amount of support you have given him over the years. This was truly amazing dude. Don’t think I have ever seen anything like this ever on WordPress

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Nice to the this massive undertaking at its conclusion (for now). Commenting on it feels a bit inadequate, what could I possibly add to this behemoth list? I’m also curious how big this could wind up being, Jeff still has plenty of time to bang out several more albums.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It is the end of an era, at least until Jeff puts out another album.

    I haven’t heard all of these, but the Talisman album at #2 is a good choice.

    I have four of those discs because of your reviews. Thanks for the Jeff lesson.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Congrats on having the actual artist link and comment about your post! Very cool and well deserved for all of the work you put into it (and others just like it)!


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